Metoda Videotrénink interakcí [rukopis] : (aplikace metody VTI na oddělení LDN ve Fakultní nemocnici Motol) : bakalářská práce /

Metoda Videotrénink interakcí [rukopis] : (aplikace metody VTI na oddělení LDN ve Fakultní nemocnici Motol) : bakalářská práce /

Koubová, Janadis

Lhotová, Marie,1952-js20081027002ths

Univerzita Karlova.Evangelická teologická fakultakn20010710335

Jabok - Vyšší sociálně pedagogická a teologická školakn20020502016


bakalářské práceczenas




In my bachelor work I am writing about Video Home Training (VTI in Czech) which comes from the Netherlands. I have divided my work into two parts. One is the theoretical part and the other is the practical part. The theoretical part is about the history of VTI, about specific parts of this program. I am writing here about SPIN (Civic Initiative). It is the only association which cares about videotraining in the Czech Republic. The specific group who I am interested in is a group of old people in FN Motol (Teaching Hospital). Last year I was working at Long-stay Hospital as a volunteer. You can find also some of my practical experience with this type of VTI in my bachelor work. I attended a basic course about this metod. I am also writing about it. The practical part is the comparison of my questionnaires with questionnaires of the trainers from the SPIN. Last year they did a specific course for their health visitors, doctors and other workers of Long-stay Hospital. The members of this course had to fill in the questionnaires. The aim of my work is to find if this method is useful and brings some new information for the members. If the method brought them better care, better communication in their professional team, helped them in their professional care. I found that this method is really very useful and the aim of my work has been achieved. A lot of people have decided that they would continue in this course if they could.

Bakalářská práce (Bc.) -- Univerzita Karlova. Evangelická teologická fakulta, 2005

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In my bachelor work I am writing about Video Home Training (VTI in Czech) which comes from the Netherlands. I have divided my work into two parts. One is the theoretical part and the other is the practical part. The theoretical part is about the history of VTI, about specific parts of this program. I am writing here about SPIN (Civic Initiative). It is the only association which cares about videotraining in the Czech Republic. The specific group who I am interested in is a group of old people in FN Motol (Teaching Hospital). Last year I was working at Long-stay Hospital as a volunteer. You can find also some of my practical experience with this type of VTI in my bachelor work. I attended a basic course about this metod. I am also writing about it. The practical part is the comparison of my questionnaires with questionnaires of the trainers from the SPIN. Last year they did a specific course for their health visitors, doctors and other workers of Long-stay Hospital. The members of this course had to fill in the questionnaires. The aim of my work is to find if this method is useful and brings some new information for the members. If the method brought them better care, better communication in their professional team, helped them in their professional care. I found that this method is really very useful and the aim of my work has been achieved. A lot of people have decided that they would continue in this course if they could.



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Videotrénink interakcí